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Kildimo National School, Kildimo, Co. Limerick
Confirmation 5th & 6th Class 2025 School Confirmation Ceremony: 18th March 
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Our Vision for the teaching of Science in Kildimo  NS

In Kildimo N.S. a whole school approach to the teaching of Science is encouraged. We endeavour to foster positive attitudes to Science and to encourage pupils to develop an appreciation of the contribution of Science and technology to society.

We promote scientific investigations, which involve the children in observing, questioning, discussing, predicting, analysing, exploring, investigating and experimenting.

The children attending Kildimo N.S. are fully aware that Science education plays a key role in promoting a sensitivity to, and a personal sense of responsibility for, local and wider environments.



The aims of science education in Kildimo N.S. are:

  • To develop knowledge and understanding of scientific and technological concepts through the exploration of human, natural an physical aspects of environment
  • To develop a scientific approach to problem solving
  • To encourage the child to explore, develop and apply scientific ideas and concepts
  • To foster the child’s natural curiosity
  • To aid the child to appreciate the contribution of science and technology to the wider world
  • To appreciate and respect diverse living an non-living things
  • To encourage the child to become environmentally responsible and aware
  • To enable the child to communicate ideas, present ideas and report findings using a variety of media



When due account is taken of intrinsic abilities and varying circumstances, the science curriculum should enable the child to:

  • develop an interest in and curiosity about the world through the exploration and study of living and non-living things
  • develop a knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas through the study of living things and the environments in which they live, energy and forces, materials and processes of change
  • observe, ask questions, discern patterns, hypothesise, plan, experiment, design, make, measure, discuss, analyse and evaluate results and so develop a scientific approach to problem-solving
  • develop and apply constructive thinking in scientific investigations
  • understand the application of some basic scientific ideas and concepts in everyday situations
  • apply and use scientific knowledge, skills and resources in designing and making tasks
  • explore and appreciate the influence that scientific and technological developments have on societies, life-styles, economic activities and the environment
  • communicate and record observations, evidence and results of experiments and investigations using a variety of oral, written and graphical forms and other media
  • explore the environmental repercussions of human actions on physical, natural and human environments
  • understand the interdependence of a wide variety of living things and their environments, recognise the importance of conserving habitats and environments, and begin to understand that all life now and in the future depends on the sustainable development of the planet
  • become actively involved in the discussion, exploration and resolution of environmental issues
  • understand and apply a safety code in scientific and technological investigations and activities