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Kildimo National School, Kildimo, Co. Limerick
Confirmation 5th & 6th Class 2025 School Confirmation Ceremony: 18th March 
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School Self Evaluation

Our school self-evaluation was a process involving an internal review of the school by the Principal, Deputy Principal, school management team, teachers and Additional Needs Assistants in consultation with the Board of Management, parents and pupils. In the school year 2012/2013 we began  looking at what we do and how we do it, with a view to improving our practice, taking account of the views and opinions of the people involved in the life of the school. To this end we  sought opinions from a cross-section of parents and pupils from 1st, 3rd and 5th classes to help us examine our current practice, as well as utilising the professional expertise  of the  internal practitioners- the staff of the school, all in consultation with the Board of Management.

Since then, on an annual basis, in 2013/2014 and 2014/2015, we have been monitoring and analysing our progress towards the achievements of the targets set during the self-evaluation process.

During the evaluation teaching and learning in the following curriculum areas were evaluated:

  • Literacy and English teaching
  • Numeracy: Understanding and using Mathematics

The findings on the quality of practice in relation to the teaching and learning of Literacy were based on qualitative and quantitative enquiry. The following sources were used to inform the findings of this report:

  • Teacher self-reflection and observation
  • Standardised Attainment Tests (Drumcondra Reading Test)
  • Pupils’ work- samples, copies and displays
  • Parent questionnaires on cross-section of 1st/3rdand 5th classes
  • Pupil questionnaires of 1st/3rdand 5th classes
  • Teacher opinion and collaborative discussion

The findings on the quality of practice in relation to the teaching and learning of Numeracy were based on qualitative and quantitative enquiry. The following sources were used to inform the findings of this report:

  • Teacher self-reflection and observation
  • Standardised Attainment Tests (Sigma-T Test)
  • Pupils’ work and class tests
  • Parent questionnaires on cross-section of 1st/3rdand 5th classes
  • Pupil questionnaires of 1st/3rdand 5th classes
  • Teacher opinion and collaborative discussion

In May 2014 and in May 2015 an analysis of progress was conducted, using standardised test results, rubrics and checklists, teacher feed-back and SMART target achievement analysis. Kildimo National School has continued to engage in SSE, monitoring and analysing our progress towards the achievements of the targets set during the self-evaluation process, Moving our focus to areas such as Gaeilge, Assessment and Handwriting. 

We have continued our journey and using the SSE Process to improve teaching and Learning across the school on a regular basis. 

2022/2023 was a review Year and we worked closely with our school cigire to highlight targets for our school action plan the following academic year. Also in 2022 we carried out a survey with parents 'The impact of Covid' and following the result we now have our new action plan in place for the Third Cycle of SSE 2023-2026.  

We have also considered the following to help us collate our new SSE Action Plan: 

How well are we doing? How do we know? 

What are our strengths? How can we build on our strengths?

What are our areas for improvement? 

How can we improve? 

Our School Improvements plans are available in the school office but our main target areas include: 

Gaeilge - Conversational Irish throughout the school day, outside of formal lessons. Develop a love for the language and enjoyment around using it more. 

Digital Learning Plan: Develop a new School Website; More Interactive lessons and Board for Teachers; Develop Computer Skills from Juniors-6th & Apply for awards. 

Wellbeing: In line with the National Framework: Further Enhance Wellbeing in our school; staff wellbeing; pupil wellbeing teams. 

Numeracy: Maths Problem Solving; Group work; station teaching; Further develop understanding and sue of our whole-school problem solving strategy; active Maths & trails/Maths eyes etc. 

Music: Further develop music skills in the school which will enhance performances and school events and overall wellbeing in the school environment. 

Science: Infantry Audit and investment in practical resources.